Chatz: A Television Podcast

The Leftovers 1.01 "Pilot" and 1.02 "Penguin Us, One Zero" | The Chatzovers 01

Episode Summary

Editor's Note: If you're already a patron and you want to skip past the PilotChatz discussion, jump ahead to 53:20 for the new content! Welcome to The Chatzovers, a Leftovers podcast hosted by Allen and Magellan of Chatz. We're really excited to be discussing this show with first-timers and rewatchers alike, and we hope you enjoy the ride along with us. The first 50 minutes of this episode are an episode of "PilotChatz" our Patreon-exclusive show where we watch TV pilots and discuss them in depth. After that, we return to the pilot several months later with some extra thoughts before diving into the much more plot-heavy "Penguin One, Us Zero". We should be sticking to two episodes a week for this season, so come back next week for another pair of discussions, and as always thank you so very much for listening.

Episode Notes

Editor's Note: If you're already a patron and you want to skip past the PilotChatz discussion, jump ahead to 53:20 for the new content!

Welcome to The Chatzovers, a Leftovers podcast hosted by Allen and Magellan of Chatz. We're really excited to be discussing this show with first-timers and rewatchers alike, and we hope you enjoy the ride along with us. The first 50 minutes of this episode are an episode of "PilotChatz" our Patreon-exclusive show where we watch TV pilots and discuss them in depth. After that, we return to the pilot several months later with some extra thoughts before diving into the much more plot-heavy "Penguin One, Us Zero". We should be sticking to two episodes a week for this season, so come back next week for another pair of discussions, and as always thank you so very much for listening.

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Our main podcast feed art was done by Camilla Franklin, whose work can be found at