Chatz: A Television Podcast

Star Trek: Insurrection, Star Trek: Nemesis, and Galaxy Quest | TrekChatz 09

Episode Summary

We say farewell to TNG for now with discussions of the last two officially canon films as well as the much-needed palette cleanser, Galaxy Quest. Come for discussions of the weirdly conservative politics in Insurrection's third act, the incredible conceptual story Allen lays out for what Nemesis could have been, AND our thoughts on Grabthar's very nice hammer. EDITOR'S NOTE: This podcast contains spoilers for all three films, as well as the film Serenity (the Firefly one), and the film Fanboys.

Episode Notes

0:00- Introduction, fantasy basketball update and Simpsons Meme Initiative update

14:50- Star Trek: Insurrection discussion begins

54:25- Star Trek: Nemesis discussion begins

1:26:48- Galaxy Quest discussion begins

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Our main podcast feed art was done by Camilla Franklin, whose work can be found at