Chatz: A Television Podcast

Drive 01 “The Starting Line” and 02 “Partners” ft. Ryan and Bartek from Spit & Polish Presents | DriveChatz 01

Episode Summary

VROOOOOM, and away we go for the second part of our season on shows canceled in 13 episodes or less. We watched the first two episodes of the 2007 mid-season replacement drama series Drive, which until now mostly existed in the recesses of Allen's memory. It took a visit from the Spit and Polish hosts Ryan and Bartek to tackle this meaty pair of episodes! Does the show live up to a distant memory, or was it better off canceled in six episodes?

Episode Notes

VROOOOOM, and away we go for the second part of our season on shows canceled in 13 episodes or less. We watched the first two episodes of the 2007 mid-season replacement drama series Drive, which until now mostly existed in the recesses of Allen's memory. It took a visit from the Spit and Polish hosts Ryan and Bartek to tackle this meaty pair of episodes! Does the show live up to a distant memory, or was it better off canceled in six episodes?

Ryan and Bartek are the co-hosts of Spit & Polish Presents:

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Our main podcast feed art was done by Camilla Franklin, whose work can be found at